Near field communication (NFC) tags
DuraTech creates custom near field communication solutions
Near field communication tags
The near field communication (NFC) tag is made up of an antenna and a small passive IC chip usually on a PET substrate with an adhesive backing; no power source required. Tags have a lifespan of 10 plus years.
Tags come in different capacities up to 1000 bytes. The tags are one-time programmable or rewriteable with the ability to lock.
How does it work?
Near Field Communication is close proximity (3/4” distance) wireless connectivity technology, which means the tag is activated when you hold your smartphone in close proximity. NFC tags store small amounts of information that activate your personal electronics (smart phone, personal computer or smartwatch) to respond to opening a web browser and then a website. There are no wires or apps needed. Tags used in public locations can be hard locked to prevent any alteration of the URL destination. NFC tags can also be left open so they can be reprogrammed as needed.
NFC tags can be used in conjunction with graphic overlays to create a smart label. The smart label interacts with the user to connect them to an endless amount of information.

Examples of NFC uses
- Share contact information from a business card
- Initiate phone call to taxi or Uber service
- Read out medication instructions for visually impaired from prescription package
- View pricing at retail stores
- Act as a ticket to enter concerts, museums and theatres
- Order stadium food through a contactless process
NFC tags can also be incorporated into in-mold decorated (IMD) parts. OEMs will find that their 2D or 3D IMD part can connect their end users to owner’s manuals and warranty information, as well as, promote loyalty programs and premium product offerings. When any of these items need to be updated, it can be done in the URL page so the most current information will always be available to the consumer.
Android devices have supported NFC since the early 2000s and do not require an app to utilize NFC. Samsung brought the technology mainstream in their 2012 Galaxy S3 smartphone.
The iPhone has had NFC capabilities since 2014 with the release of the iPhone 6 and was made exclusively for Apple Pay. iPhones 6 through 10 require an associated app for NFC functionality. The iPhone 11, 11Pro and 11 Pro Max all support NFC reading without the need for a 3rd party app and have the ability to write NFC tags with a 3rd party app.
How to program an NFC tag in 7 easy steps
Step 1
Download and install the NXP App from Google Play Store or Apple App Store depending on your phone brand.
Step 2
Open up your App and touch “Write tags”
Step 3
Choose the option “New dataset”
Step 4
Choose the “Link” option shown below. This is also referred to as a URL for a website.
Step 5
Enter the website below as you would if you were entering it into a web browser. Click Save and Write.
Step 6
You will be presented with the screen below. If you want to program more than one tag, check the “Write multiple NFC tags (one by one). The confirm overwrite option is a good idea to leave checked as it also shows you any previous contents the tag may have on it.
When you are ready, tap the blue WRITE button below.
Step 7
Now hold your phone’s NFC antenna over the tag you want to program and the app will send the information you entered above into the tag.
You can then close your app, and read the tag normally to open up the website!
NFC Fast Facts
What information or actions can a tag transfer?
- Up to 1000 alpha numeric characters
- Open a website (URL)
- Transfer a business card
- Create a new E-mail
- Launch an application
- Send a text
- Dial a telephone number
- Create a Bluetooth connection
- Create a WiFi connection
- Load a geo location
Advantages over QR codes
- QR codes are optical and need you to open an app to use.
- If a QR code is scratched or dirty it is difficult to read.
- NFC tags are available in various sizes, shapes and memory.
Compatible smartphones
- iPhone XR, XS, XS max and newer
- iPhone 6 through iPhone X are compatible but require an app
- Most Android smartphones
- Full, updated list can be found here
DuraTech’s value proposition
- DuraTech Industries® can print overlays and apply correct adhesive for the required installation.
- Low to high volume tag programing including logical variable data
- Sophisticated high speed tag validation
- Sequential tag programming and validation (Match the printed information with the programmed information).